Well, for my first post on my blog, I thought it would fun to share with all ya'll an interesting article from the New York Times I found in regards to some "fun facts" that were come across while calculating the numbers from Super Tuesday and the caucuses.
It first points out the almost perfect division on the Democratic side of the votes. If you tally up the 21 reporting states from tuesday, Clinton barely, if at all, pulled ahead of Obama with a calculated %50.19 - %49.80 split, respectively. It will be interesting to see how such a close race will turn out for the Democratic spot and to see how fast it gets resolved and a clear winner is determined. Do I smell a recount?
Then it goes on to point out how, curiously, Obama seems to be winning practically all the caucuses (not to mention some Latino votes who are normally faithful to Clinton). Whether or not this is related to his uncanny ability to deliver powerful and inspiring feelings is still up for debate.
Also addressed is the record-breaking voter turn-out for primaries; now up to %27 of eligible voters as opposed to %25.9 set back in 1972! Did it really take us all this LONG to realize that our own complaceny at the voting balot is mostly to blame for the mess we're currently in? Apparently so, but like they say, we're "a day late and a dollar short." Maybe two decades ago was when we should've really been showing up. But oh well, we'll only do it once, right?
For the full story go here:
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