Monday, April 21, 2008

Hillary for US Storyteller

Way to go Hillary!! Now I can sleep well at night knowing that, if elected, I can rely on a 3am call to hear some great bedtime stories. Like the time you took on enemy sniper fire in Bosnia, where you narrowly escaped, managing to hotwire a nearby parked tank where you drove through heavy enemy fire and taking out a machine gun nest, all just in time to arrive and disarm the nuclear warhead and greet and pose with a young Bosnian girl.
Bravo! I think that we should all vote for Hillary Clinton because she has a lot of experience. Just think of all the experience she has as being First Lady! What have we learned about Hil? Well, she's an avid storyteller thats for sure. I for one thoroughly enjoy listening to all the bologna that comes pouring out every time she opens her mouth. She's also very good at standing by her man's side, when we all know that any other sensible woman would've dropped their man like a bad habit upon finding out that he's having "sexual relations" with another woman. Isn't it comforting to know that whenever in doubt as Commander in Chief she can always think back to her First Lady days and remember what her hubby would have done? WWBD is the bracelet she could carry around to help remind her "What Would Billy Do?"
Some people think the Democratic race is all about race and gender. Do we want a half-black senator for president or do we want to elect a half-woman, or is it a half-senator woman for president? Regardless, with all this hype, some people would think that this is the presidential election itself! My point from my second to last blog is proven by Hillary's folklore: that campaigning for public office is all a big game of charades and that ultimately, between her and Obama, it boils down to nothing more than a mere popularity contest.
Let Barack run for President over all those gun- and religion-clinging Americans and elect Hillary for a new public office: United States Storyteller. A good fairytale of hers sure could come in handy when your child can't sleep at 3AM.


Brian said...

In response to an article I read on one of my peer’s blogs, you will find a copy of the article I am talking about, otherwise this may not make sense.) I would like to say that: I would vote for Hillary; well for U.S. Storyteller that is. But that’s just me; I bet she would tell a wicked horror story around a campfire. But in all seriousness, I think that the author made some good points with his argument. I would think that most women would walk if they found themselves in the middle of the Monica Lewinsky scandal. But then again, that was an extremely unique situation I suppose. I guess you could say that speaks to her character?!? Overall, I would have to say that Mrs. Clinton is going with the “any press is good press” moto at this point in the race. She has run numerous negative attacks in several different states, dividing the Democratic Party even further. I also agree that it is time to pick the nomination and focus on the actual presidential election at this point, November is coming quick. Like the author of the article said, it is all a giant popularity contest in the end, one that only will only be decided with time. The overall humorous tone in the article really helped it flow nicely, and the idea of the storyteller position is an awesome idea, like I said I would vote for her, for storyteller.

Bethany A. Thibodeau said...

In response to the blog "Hillary for US Storyteller" by , I would have to agree with him. I am really tired of the things Hillary has been saying to the press and all the hooplah she is doing, trying to win over voters like have a few shots with them. I really don't think I would want a president who drinks while our nation is in danger. I could see it now "ms. Clinton the United States is under attack!" "Oh phhh here, have a shot of whiskey makes you feel better."I would not even call her at 3AM because she still might be out drinking and partying with the fellow people. I don't like the fact that she keeps "miss speaking" and saying the wrong things. She is starting to sound kinda like Bush Jr. a little bit by miss saying things. That scares me a bit if she were to turn out like him. And the thing with her being a "Story teller" and all, well, it seems to me like she might be a better teacher than a president. She keeps using Obama's campaign things and twisting them a bit to make a counter attack and that is just plain lame. Obamas thing was "Yes We Can" and Hillary went and made her own saying "Yes We Will". Is that not just a bit of well plagiarisms kinda along with stupidity? Im sorry but I don't want a president who acts like a little kid.